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Stock Market Interview Question/ Answers

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Image Source : edelweiss

1. Can I trade when markets are closed or shut down?

After the market has shut down or closed, trading is not permitted. Even though physical presence is no longer necessary for trading, it still cannot be done after the market has closed. Trading is officially permitted from 9:15 am to 3:30 pm, however many passive investors engage in after-hours trading. AMOs, or after market orders, are orders that are placed after regular trading hours and can occasionally cause a tumultuous market. AMO also affects the share price, which fluctuates in price.

2. How many Sectors are there to invest in Stock Market?

The stock market offers 11 different sectors in which to invest. The portfolio manager may build a broad portfolio and distribute funds more effectively with the use of this type of industry categorization.

3. Is it safe to invest in Unlisted Stocks as a beginner?

Concerning unlisted stocks, many traders have stock market queries. Investing in unlisted stocks needs skill and thorough stock knowledge. Beginners frequently lack this information and risk losing money. But you should only consider investing in unlisted stocks if you are confident in the company’s potential for future growth.

4. How much time should I spend while researching stocks?

The sort of investment will determine how you research companies. You can trust historical charts, price patterns, and other indicators if it’s trading rather than a long-term investment. and research doesn’t require a lot of your time. If you intend to invest for the long term, you must conduct in-depth due diligence on the business. If the investment time is more than a year, you must conduct fundamental study on the company, examine the financial accounts, and conduct a competitive analysis, among other things.

5. Where can I get the company’s financial report and other information?

All of a company’s financial reports are available on its website or through stock exchanges (NSE or BSE). You can also obtain the company’s annual report and thoroughly examine the financial statements in it.

6. How do listed companies price their issues?

“Listed firms set the price of their issues by offering equity shares for free through public issues. Through the offer document, which provides for both public and rights component compromises that are utilized to issue securities at varying values, a listed firm will balance issues between capital and public right basis.”

7. What does WACC stand for?

“Weighted average cost of capital, or WACC, is a term. This phrase refers to how a company’s capital is calculated using a proportionally weighted formula. WACC considers all of the company’s income sources as well as elements like tax, debt, equity, and asset depreciation.”

8. Which cost is higher: debt or equity?

“For a variety of reasons, the cost of equity is always higher than the cost of debt. The fact that the cost of borrowing with debt is tax deductible is one of the most important things to take into account when comparing debt to equity. Due to the fact that equity investors, unlike lenders, do not always receive set payments, equity is therefore more expensive. Additionally, in a company’s financial structure, debt is prioritised over equity in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation. As a result, lenders will receive their money first, which lowers the danger of debt as well.”

9. How to Find Undervalued Stocks?

Stocks that trade for less than they should are said to be undervalued. These stocks are located by investors utilising both fundamental and technical analysis. In fundamental analysis, asset value is determined by examining external factors like market patterns. Technical analysis makes use of historical data to evaluate price changes. Using these techniques, traders assess the undervalued stocks’ fair market value. To find out the answers to your share market-related queries about undervalued stocks, you can always do an extra study.

10.How much time should I spend while researching stocks?

Researching stocks relies on the sort of investment. You can trust historical charts, price patterns, and other indicators if it’s trading rather than a long-term investment. and research doesn’t require a lot of your time. If you intend to invest for the long term, you must conduct in-depth due diligence on the business. If the investment time is more than a year, you must conduct a fundamental study on the company, examine the financial accounts, and conduct competitive analysis, among other things.

11.Where can I get the company’s financial report and other information?

All of a company’s financial reports are available on its website or through stock exchanges (NSE or BSE). You can also obtain the company’s annual report and thoroughly examine the financial statements in it.

12. Should I invest in stocks when the market is at high?

It is one of the stock market’s commonly asked questions. In this case, make a watchlist during a bull market and monitor the stocks. Averaging the stocks after you’ve found some decent ones will help you avoid buying them at exorbitant prices.

13.What do you understand by Money Market? Give an example.

Money market is the market where short term instruments of credit with a maturity period of one year or less than that are traded. Such instruments are known as near money. The borrowers of money market are traders, government, speculators and lenders in this market are commercial banks, central bank, financial institutions and insurance companies etc.

14. Where can I get the company’s financial report and other information?

All of a company’s financial reports are available on its website or through stock exchanges (NSE or BSE). You can also obtain the company’s annual report and thoroughly examine the financial statements in it.

15. How much returns can I expect from the market?

Your performing and underperforming stocks will affect your results. When your portfolio is adequately diversified, some of the stocks may perform well while others may not, which will have an impact on your returns.

16.Should I use a stop loss on my investments?

If you’re a trader or a long-term investor, it will differ. Stop loss can be used to limit a lot of harm if you are an active trader. However, if you are a long-term investor, you should refrain from employing stop losses because short-term market volatility are what lead to long-term losses. Additionally, when making long-term investments, you should choose to buy more stocks rather than sell them when their values fall.

17. Can I become a millionaire by investing in stocks?

It is true that this is one of the frequently asked topics about the stock market. Having said that, it takes a lot of work and perseverance to become a millionaire through stock investing. You must invest a lot of time and energy in company research if you want to profit from the stock market.

To sum up, the stock market is a fantastic alternative for investing, but not everyone is drawn to it, and the main reason for this is a fear of losing money. But many people can utilize this as an opportunity to make money if they put enough time and effort into it. I hope these stock market FAQs will be useful to you as you begin your financial adventure.

18. Who is a more senior creditor, a bondholder or stockholder?

There is always a senior bondholder. Prior to securing corporate assets during a bankruptcy, stockholders (including those who own preferred shares) must wait for bondholders to be compensated.

19. What stocks do you like?

This is a typical query posed to candidates for equities research employment. If you’re interviewing for one of these roles, be ready to discuss a few companies you think are good buys and some that you don’t (applicants for investment banking and trading positions, as well as positions in investment management, have reported receiving this question). Candidates for undergraduate financial positions are also given this question to determine how interested they are in the field.

20. What kind of stocks would you issue for a startup?

A startup often has higher risk than a well-established corporation. The kind of stocks that would be issued for a startup would be ones that give equity holders upside potential while protecting their downside. A combination of common stock, preferred stock, and debt notes with warrants may therefore be included in the stock issued (options to buy stock).

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