FEES: 3200 ( For learning sharks students)
FEES: 6400 ( For Outside students)
Time: 9AM-12AM
Days: Monday, Wednesday & Friday
Learning sharks start Stock Market Internship programme assures what you have been taught during the course goes into action.
Post stock market course completion, Learning sharks offers one month paid Internship only to its students and other applicants.
Do you have any other questions? Send an email to our management team, and someone will respond as soon as possible.
What does a trading intern do?
1. Equity Research Report Writing
2. Fundamental Analysis
3. Economic Analysis (EIC Analysis)
4. Global Investment research
5. Company result and news analysis etc.
- Certificate
- Letter of recommendation
- Flexible work hours
- Stipend
HOW TO START A Stock Market Internship
Take admission in one of our programmes
Start your trading career by enrolling in one of our stock market courses. Shark trader Course is recommended for beginners.
Paper trade
A paper trade is a simulated trade that allows investors to practise buying and selling without putting their real money on the line. A paper trader keeps track of hypothetical trading positions, portfolios, and profits or losses by manually recording all trades while learning.
Now, that you know how to trader and invest in the stock market, its time for a knowledge check. There will be a short test and a management interview. This will be used to assess your knowledge of stock market trading.
Do not worry, we are still there with you.
Your internship begins with Learning sharks.
you get to keep
If you make profits, during your internship. You get to keep 100% of the profits.
Knowledge, technical exposure, hand’s on experience will be provided.
We only take 0% of the profit.
We trust our students will become money makers, not money losers. We challenge any institute to match us.
Our students have previously made over 70k-80k during the course itself.
Excited? lets begin.