Learning sharks-Share Market Institute


Rajouri Garden  8595071711 7982037049  Noida 8920210950 , Model Town 9737591369, 9810663902  Paschim Vihar at 7827445731  

Fee revision notice effective 1st January  2025; No change for students enrolled before 15th January 2025

Download “Key features of Budget 2024-2025here

Terms & Conditions




This Agreement contains the complete terms and conditions that apply to you in all your activities on the Learning sharks website (the “Site”).

By using this Site, you agree to be bound by its terms of use and shall comply thereof. This Agreement describes and encompasses the entire agreement between Learning sharks and you.



According to the revised Information Technology Act of 2000 and the rules and regulations that have been adopted thereunder, this document is an electronic record. There are neither physical nor digital signatures necessary for this electronic record because it is produced by a computer system. The terms for accessing or using the Learning Sharks service through the Business Cirtrus Portal must be publicised, as required by Rule 3 (1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011. This document complies with Section 65B (2) of the Indian Evidence Act of 1872’s requirements.

YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT: This is an agreement between you (“you” or “your”) and Learning sharks ( “we,” or “our”) that governs your use of the search services offered by Learning sharks through its website www.businesscitrus.com (“Website”), telephone search, SMS, or any other medium using which Learning sharks may provide the search services (collectively “Platforms” ). When you access or use any of the Platforms you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”).

Furthermore, You also accept our privacy policies and other terms. 


Learning sharks contain the trademark, logos, trade name, service marks and other marks (collectively “Marks”) which are the intellectual property of Learning sharks or their vendors or respective third parties.


You understand that Learning sharks uses the Marks of vendors and respective third parties procured from the owner and/or distribution channel.


In doing so, Learning sharks has no intention, whatsoever, to acquire rights of use or license to these Marks.


If you see something on the Learning sharks portal, which you believe is violating intellectual property rights, please send an infringement intimation to Learning sharks at support@Learning sharks.in


Undoubtedly,  learning sharks institute works hard to maintain this list of share market Training courses up to date. However, In the event of a dispute between the programmes mentioned in the Learning sharks Academic Calendar and this list, the Calendar will take precedence nevertheless. In addition,  Please contact the Enrollment Desk if you have any further questions about admissions or programme offerings. Nevertheless, Please contact us at [email protected] to edit a programme listing. Alternatively, you can reach us directly for any course queries. On the contrary, one can call our number 8595071711.

Even so, we launch new stock market integrated trading programmes every 6 months. In spite of stock market trends and conditions. While we have you here. Of course, we do not want to miss asking you to share a review. Clearly, It is necessary and appreciated. our Trading community has been growing evidently. Surely, the credit goes to our mentors and our hard-working trading students. For this reason, we keep coming out with discounts and concessions on our programmes. Besides, We believe each citizen has the right to learn about the market.

Because we believe each student should be successful. Since our program is so powerful. So, we encourage and invite more applications, therefore. Of course, we feel proud to invite the differently abled students too. Moreover, the stock market does not care about any race, religion, family background or religion also. Then, again, We are there to assist you with the best education. Finally, head over to our contact page to speak to our counsellor. For one thing, we do not want our students to fail, which is why give regular and repeated classes too

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