Learning sharks-Share Market Institute

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Crypto falls again – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano and XRP

Crypto hasn’t stopped amazing people in all of 2022. Cryptocurrencies are the most volatile assets one can hold. There is another debate if they really are assets. Lets look at the prices of cryptocurrencies today.

currently, the price of one bitcoin is 24 lakhs. One Ethereum is trading at 1.4 lacs. The market has been so continuously falling. Making investors tumble their trust in these cryptocurrencies.

Are you an investor in these currencies? Are you still a holder?

After the taxation, there hasn’t been any volatility. All Indian investors are avoiding dealing in any sort. Word is cryptocurrencies will touch rock bottom. Only to get back up sometime in the long future.

As per the technical analysis, there isn’t any support on the charts of these major currencies. Neither there is anything to support the fundamentals. If you had invested 50,000 a year back , chances are it is 20,000 right now or even 10,000

Should you get out? well, it’s totally your call. cryptocurrencies are always controversial. There are no quarterly or annual results, which could impact the prices. It totally depends on the psychology of the herd.

Do stay in this to know what happens in the long term.

About us


started in 2008 and is a renowned stock market institute among stock market traders and investors for training, and Investing. In addition, the Learning sharks Institute Provides various NSE & BSE share market courses.  Including financial Derivatives, Technical Analysis coursesfundamentals analysis coursesNISM, and NCFM preparation courses. With 15+ experienced online & offline faculty Cum Traders. Over 25+ Share market courses for intermediates and professionals. 

With comely course fees, learning sharks assist with jobs and exams along with self-trading and investing.

एटीएम (ATM) मशीन से धनराशि कैसे निकालें?

इस लेख में, हमने एटीएम से धनराशि निकालने की सरल प्रक्रिया के बारे में बताया है जिससे कि अगली बार जब भी आप किसी एटीएम पर जाएं तो आपको धन निकासी की प्रक्रिया के बारे में अच्छी तरह से जानकारी हो।

हम अक्सर एक छोटे से केबिन को इसके अंदर एक मशीन के साथ पाते हैं जिसे ऑटोमेटेड टेलर मशीन (एटीएम) कहा जाता है। संबंधित बैंक, जहां हमारे बैंक खाते हैं, हमें एटीएम सह डेबिट कार्ड के जरिए आसानी से एटीएम से नकदी निकालने की सुविधा प्रदान करते हैं।

हालांकि एटीएम अब एक परिचित शब्द बन गया है, लेकिन इस मशीन का उपयोग अभी भी कई लोगों के लिए एक भ्रमित (confusing) करने वाला कार्य है। एटीएम से धनराशि निकालने के लिए निम्नलिखित चरणों का पालन किया जाना चाहिए:

चरण 1: एटीएम कार्ड डालें:
उपरोक्त चित्र में चिह्नित किए गए स्लॉट में एटीएम मशीन में अपना एटीएम कार्ड डालें।

चरण 2: भाषा का चयन करें:
स्क्रीन पर प्रदर्शित भाषा विकल्पों में से अपनी भाषा का चयन करें (जैसा कि उपरोक्त चित्र में दिखाया गया है)

चरण 3: 4-अंकों का एटीएम पिन दर्ज करें
अपना 4-अंकों का एटीएम पिन नंबर दर्ज करने के लिए कीपैड (जैसा कि चित्र में चिह्नित किया गया है) का उपयोग करें।
अपने एटीएम पिन को कभी भी किसी के भी साथ साझा न करें। यह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि जब आप अपना पिन दर्ज कर रहे हों, तब कोई भी आपको देख नहीं रहा हो।
पिन दर्ज करते समय सावधान रहें, क्योंकि गलत पिन दर्ज करने से आपका एटीएम कार्ड ब्लॉक हो सकता है।

चरण 4: लेन-देन (Transaction) के प्रकार का चयन करें:
एटीएम स्क्रीन में, आप विभिन्न प्रकार के लेन-देन ((Transaction) के विकल्प देख सकते हैं जैसे जमा, ट्रांसफर, धन निकासी आदि।

नकद निकासी के लिए, आपको निकासी का विकल्प चुनना होगा।

more steps

चरण 5: खाते का प्रकार चुनें:
निकासी के विकल्प का चयन करने के बाद, स्क्रीन पर खातों के विभिन्न प्रकार प्रदर्शित होंगे, उनमें से आप अपने खाते का प्रकार चुनें।

चरण 6: निकासी राशि दर्ज करें:
अब, अपनी निकासी राशि दर्ज करें।
यह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि आप अपने खाते में शेष राशि से अधिक निकासी राशि दर्ज नहीं कर रहे हैं।
अब एंटर का बटन दबाएं।

चरण 7: नगदी एकत्र करें:

अब मशीन के निचले स्लॉट से नकदी एकत्र करें (जैसा कि उपरोक्त चित्र में दिखाया गया है)

चरण 8: एक मुद्रित रसीद प्राप्त करें, यदि आवश्यकता हो

नगदी एकत्र करने के बाद, आपको एक विकल्प मिलेगा कि क्या आप लेन-देन (Transaction) की एक मुद्रित रसीद चाहते हैं| यदि आप एक मुद्रित रसीद चाहते हैं, तो हाँ पर क्लिक करें और लेन-देन (Transaction) को बंद कर दें|  

चरण 9: कोई अन्य लेन-देन (Another Transaction):
यदि आप कोई अन्य लेनदेन (Another Transaction) करना चाहते हैं तो उस विकल्प का चयन करें।
एटीएम कार्ड से धन निकासी आपके मौजूदा बैंक खाते (बचत खाता या चालू खाता) से धनराशि निकालती है, इसलिए जब भी आप एटीएम से धन निकालना चाहें, तो यह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि आपके बैंक खाते में पर्याप्त धन (Balance) है|

Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow: OIL


– Take BTST trades at 3:25 pm every day
– Book profits within the first 30 minutes of the market opening
– Try to exit by taking 3-5% profit of each trade
– SL can be taken when the 5/15 min candle closes below 44EMA
– SL can also be maintained as 1% or closing below the low of the breakout candle

The levels mentioned on the chart are calculated using the BREAKOUT INDICATOR

Now, why do I prefer BTST over swing trades? The primary reason is that I have observed that 90% of the stocks give most of the movement in just 1-2 days and the rest of the time they either consolidate or fall

Cup & Handle Breakout in OIL
Buy Today, Sell Tomorrow: OIL

There are three factors that could make Zomato profitable in the coming years.

Even in the midst of the pandemic, the Indian internet and e-commerce sector has emerged as one of the country’s fastest expanding sectors. In the Indian start-up ecosystem, 43 companies will become unicorns in 2021, compared to more than 30 unicorns formed up to 2020

However, history says that most unicorns struggle to survive, with only a handful thriving. Those who do make it have a few characteristics in common. We’ve tried to highlight some of the most important points here.

1) Low capital cost – Google, Airbnb, Facebook, LinkedIn, Uber, and other companies all have one thing in common: scalable virtual models that can be scaled up enormously without adding major assets. Unlike Maruti Suzuki or D-Mart, which would require land, factories, distribution centres, and warehouses to develop.

2) Data — In order to run targeted ads and customise the customer experience, new-age tech corporations acquire, store, organise, and analyse years of user data. The main difference between a client entering into a Walmart supercenter and a customer walking into an Amazon online store is that Amazon immediately reorganises the entire store in a way that is tailored to that customer.

3) Network impacts – The larger the network, the more valuable the company is for most new-age IT enterprises. While practically all platform firms have network impact, the quality of network effect varies per company.

4) Scale economies – Google, Microsoft, and Facebook can scale up their revenue with low variable expenses. Making another copy of Windows 10 or providing service to another Google or Facebook customer is relatively inexpensive.

In the Indian environment, we feel that Zomato is one of the listed firms that has the ability to thrive over the next decade.

Zomato is a disruptor in the food industry, but it also offers a win-win solution.
Zomato provided a solution by acting as a link between consumer needs and scalability and distribution.

As we all know, gross margins (ex-RM costs) in the food industry are extremely high (about 65 per cent to 75 per cent), but restaurant owners’ fixed overhead costs remain high. As a result, even if the restaurant must share a percentage (15 percent -25 percent) of incremental sales with a distribution partner like Zomato, the margin/contribution on marginal costing is still very significant. And, from the standpoint of the consumer, access to choice, the convenience of ordering, and delivery are excellent value propositions…for a small price compared to the time, logistics, and hassle that the consumer will face.

We like to focus on three essential elements when evaluating a company: scalability, inherent profitability, and managerial quality.

1. The ability to scale

Food consumption will account for over a quarter of India’s GDP in 2020, with a value of US$607 billion. However, the majority of this is due to home-cooked meals. Restaurant food (or food services) currently accounts for just about 8%-9% (US$56 billion) of overall food consumption. When compared to the United States and China, this is far lower.

In India, the food service industry is profiting from a cultural change toward consuming food outside of the home, which has been accelerated by a lack of time, convenience, and improved quality (mainly taste and temperature of food in India).
The Indian internet food services business has grown 7x (c.50 percent CAGR) in the last five years to US$3.6 billion, yet it still only accounts for 6% of the overall US$56 billion pie spent on eating out by Indians in FY20.

2) Inherent Profitability

Since its inception, Zomato has been a cash-burning machine. However, we feel that all of these marketing and promotion activities were necessary to accelerate the adoption of food delivery and the formation of new categories. We expect a significant drop in promotional and marketing spending as customer stickiness improves, based on the cohort analysis (Exhibit 2) provided by the company in its DRHP.

As the market consolidates, Swiggy and Zomato are focusing on improving unit economics through marketing rationalisation, delivery fee introduction, operating leverage, and logistics cost optimization. The unit economics of Zomato has improved significantly.

3) Management Quality

In FY2011, Zomato began as a restaurant review platform before expanding to meal delivery in India in FY2015. In FY2016, it introduced the table reservation concept, followed by Zomato Pro in FY2017. Carthero Technologies was purchased in FY2018 to enhance hyperlocal distribution capabilities. HyperPure was introduced in the fiscal year 2019 (FY2019). Finally, in FY2020, Uber Eats India was purchased.

Zomato is one of the few Indian start-ups to successfully flip their business and prosper in a highly competitive environment, eventually becoming India’s first new-age start-up to issue an initial public offering (IPO). This reveals a great deal about the management’s competence and ability to execute.

Deepinder Goyal, the company’s creator (as well as its Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer), holds an integrated master’s degree in technology in mathematics and computing from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi. He worked at Bain & Company before launching Zomato.

To summarise

, we believe Zomato (which possesses all of the characteristics of a new-age tech company) has a huge runaway for high and profitable growth in the years ahead, led by a good management team with strong execution capabilities, with the goal of transforming the eating habits of the large Indian consumer base.

Let us know what do u think about this in the comments section.

About us


Learning sharks

started in 2008 and is a renowned stock market institute among stock market traders and investors for training, and Investing. In addition, the Learning sharks Institute Provides various NSE & BSE share market courses like financial Derivatives, Technical Analysis coursesfundamentals analysis coursesNISM, and NCFM preparation courses. With 15+ experienced online & offline faculty Cum Traders and 25+ Share market courses for intermediates and professionals. 

With comely course fees, learning sharks assist with jobs and exams along with self-trading and investing.

Top 4 mistakes which investors should avoid in a rising stock market

For stock market investors, there is no finer sight than seeing markets rise every day. A market rally boosts wealth creation while also increasing returns.

However, most investors get carried away in the exuberance and make mistakes that might stymie capital building.

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It’s just as important to be cautious in a down market as it is to avoid these frequent blunders while markets are rising.

1. Purchasing in Bulk

Most investors end up investing in large amounts in a rising market in order to join the bull bandwagon. They believe this is the best time to make a quick buck.You must, however, avoid this strategy and invest in a phased fashion, diversifying across asset classes.

Balanced advantage funds, on the other hand, are a good option if you wish to invest in large amounts.

These funds handle equity and debt in real time, depending on market conditions. During market highs, reduce equity exposure to reduce losses, and vice versa.

Rather than trying to time the market, your goal should be to stick with your assets for a long time.

2) Do not Exit Quality Stocks

Quality stock prices may appear overstretched in a rising market. The majority of investors sell them and put their money into stocks with lower valuations. In the long run, this blunder could be costly to wealth growth.

Stocks of high quality generate wealth and provide superior risk-adjusted returns. Low-value stocks, on the other hand, struggle to recruit new investors and eventually fade away. As a result, if you’ve put money into fundamentally sound equities, stick with them.

3) Avoid the Herd Mentality

In stock market investment, herd mentality is a prevalent tendency. In a rising market, this mindset becomes more prominent. It’s critical to prevent this bias because everyone’s needs are different.

Instead of putting money into stocks that everyone is pursuing, think about your goals and conduct your study. Do not act on impulse, and do your homework thoroughly before making a decision. If necessary, seek the advice of a financial expert.

4) Overestimate your risk appetite

Investors sometimes overestimate their risk appetite in a rising market. Even the most cautious investors have a tendency to become more aggressive and increase their risk profile. Recognize that a rising market has no effect on your risk tolerance.

Even the tiniest hint of volatility will give you restless nights if you are a conservative investor.

This could lead to erroneous investing decisions and an unbalanced asset allocation. As a result, keep your emotions in check.


The stock market never moves in a straight line. They swing back and forth between highs and lows. Making smart selections can be aided by being disciplined and looking at the big picture.

About us


Learning sharks

started in 2008 and is a renowned stock market institute among stock market traders and investors for training, and Investing. In addition, the Learning sharks Institute Provides various NSE & BSE share market courses like financial Derivatives, Technical Analysis coursesfundamentals analysis coursesNISM, and NCFM preparation courses. With 15+ experienced online & offline faculty Cum Traders and 25+ Share market courses for intermediates and professionals. 

With comely course fees, learning sharks assist with jobs and exams along with self-trading and investing.

George Soros is the man who brought the Bank of England to its knees.

Investment Philosophy

Despite his generosity, Soros is a savvy investor and trader who seeks for opportunities at all times of the market cycle. Financial markets, he believes, are fundamentally chaotic. Humans buying and selling stocks, bonds, currencies, and real estate determine their pricing. Human emotions, rather than rationality, cause significant bias in the fundamentals linked with various asset classes.

As a result of this, he developed the General Theory of Reflexivity, which states:

  • Investors don’t make decisions based on reality; rather, they make decisions based on their interpretation of reality.
  • Their actions have an impact on reality and asset prices as a result of their perception.
  • It causes prices to depart from equilibrium and become divorced from reality. This could result in the development of bubbles. He then applied this theory to identify asset-class bubbles, which he used as data to plan future investment and trading decisions.

Soros was also known for combining his investment decisions with political considerations. The best example is Soros’ $10 billion bet against the Bank of England’s decision to hike interest rates in 1992. The domino effect that followed resulted in a quick depreciation of the Sterling Pound, netting him a cool $1 billion. He’s been dubbed “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” ever since.

what do we learn from this?

  1. Using scientific methods: Soros’ market moves are based on defined tactics that track multiple eventualities and effective pay-outs in each scenario, all based on the most recent market data. There is no room for error. These theories are then put to the test on a lesser scale to see what happens. The investment size gradually increases after the outcomes are favourable.

To succeed in the financial markets, you must have a well-defined investment strategy. Speculators rarely make it to the end of the game.

  1. Don’t be afraid to bet against the crowd: Real money is made when one bet against the crowd and understands the market’s signals. As a result, don’t be scared to trust their study and place a wager when the market gives an opportunity. “Money is made by discounting the obvious and betting on the unexpected in markets that are continuously in change.”

3. Learn and adapt: Soros maintains he doesn’t have a specific investment approach. His thoughts contain fundamental principles that guide his choices (reflexivity, chaos theory, irrationality of investors). However, throughout the last 70 years, his investment techniques have changed based on market conditions.

About Us

Learning sharks

started in 2008 and is a renowned stock market institute among stock market traders and investors for training, and Investing. In addition, the Learning sharks Institute Provides various NSE & BSE share market courses like financial Derivatives, Technical Analysis coursesfundamentals analysis coursesNISM, and NCFM preparation courses. With 15+ experienced online & offline faculty Cum Traders and 25+ Share market courses for intermediates and professionals. 

With comely course fees, learning sharks assist with jobs and exams along with self-trading and investing.

What is coffee can Investing?

As a stock market investor, you’ve probably heard stories of how an investor buys a stock at a certain price and then forgets about it for decades, only to find out later that his investment has grown into millions. And you might have considered utilising a similar method to build your fortune.

If you invest in fundamentally sound equities and keep them for several years, you’re likely to get multi-bagger returns—for example, a Rs. 10,000 investment in Wipro’s stock in 1980 would have risen to Rs. 1200 crores today.

Coffee can investing is the practice of purchasing and holding a stock for an extended length of time. Let’s take a closer look at this word.

What is coffee can investing?

Coffee can investment, as shown in the image above, alludes to the “buy and forget” strategy to stock market investing. It’s a low-risk way to build massive wealth by purchasing a set number of stocks at a specific price and holding them for at least ten years to earn significant profits.

Coffee can investing is primarily a long-term investment technique intended for passive investors with a ten-year investment horizon.

From where did this term come from?

Coffee can investing is a notion that started in the United States and has become extremely popular there. In 1984, an American investment manager named Robert G. Kirby created the term. People in old West America used to put their valuables in coffee cans, which they then hid under their beds for decades.

Investors can also choose to buy high-performing equities securities and then forget about them for a long time. This technique has the potential to generate very significant returns, but picking the correct stocks is crucial.

Drawbacks and advantages of coffee can investing


-Rather than short-term gambling, this strategy allows you to build long-term wealth through a comprehensive approach.
-You will not be charged any additional fees, such as brokerage fees, taxes, or transaction costs.
-It saves you time and effort because you don’t have to constantly manage your investing portfolio.
-Your investor sentiments are unaffected by short-term volatility and market movements.
-The miracle of compounding allows your investments to grow over time.


-It’s critical to pick the appropriate stocks, or you risk losing all of your money. In today’s dynamic environment, however, picking companies for decades is difficult.
-In the long run, not all stocks become multi-baggers.
-The success of your portfolio might be influenced by socioeconomic conditions and regulatory changes.

How to create a coffee can portfolio?

  1. Make a well-diversified portfolio of at least 15 to 20 stocks from companies with excellent fundamentals. Before you choose your stocks, do your homework. Remember that just like coffee has a certain amount of space, your portfolio should have a finite number of stocks.
  2. Keep your portfolio for a minimum of ten years. Allowing market volatility to affect your emotions is a bad idea.
  3. Monitor and rebalance your portfolio as needed (not more than once a year)
  4. While some equities will fade away, others will generate three-digit returns that will surpass the losses.

To know more about the investing strategies. Enrol in our stock market course today.

About Us

Learning sharks

started in 2008 and is a renowned stock market institute among stock market traders and investors for training, and Investing. In addition, the Learning sharks Institute Provides various NSE & BSE share market courses like financial Derivatives, Technical Analysis coursesfundamentals analysis coursesNISM, and NCFM preparation courses. With 15+ experienced online & offline faculty Cum Traders and 25+ Share market courses for intermediates and professionals. 

With comely course fees, learning sharks assist with jobs and exams along with self-trading and investing.

Train going downtown, are you a passenger? LIC Share price

One of the most talked-about stocks, LIC is here with us. Lic with a Market Cap₹ 507,012 Cr is going anywhere but up. If you have bought this stock then this information is for you.

Current Price₹ 802 and with Face Value of ₹ 10.0 got listed on May 17, 2022. Ever since the price is going down. Undoubtedly, this was expected. All big ipos including power, sbicard or Paytm have had the same history. One thing everybody wants to know, when will it start going up.

As per the technical analysis, the stock isn’t showing very good signs. No indication is showing an upward move coming anytime soon. Do check out our technical analysis course, if you don’t know what indicators are

However, if you planning to invest in this stock for the long term. Or you have already invested in this stock then do not worry so soon. Frankly, as soon as the news of LIC IPO came out my mom was interested in investing in it. LIC is a big name amongst elders. The company has been around for years.

But they do not understand the supply and demand. Neither how operators play with the stock price only to make profits.

Nevertheless, since we are talking about investing in the stock for the long term. Let’s talk about the stock fundamentally. Good News! Its not as bad as we think it is. Looking at the profit and loss , the company is actually profitable.

Since 2017 till 2022, the recent data available, the company is making profits each year.

Net Profit2,2322,4462,6882,7132,9014,043

with a very rich cash flow of 7,350, the company is in a very good position.

Shareholding pattern

If we look at the shareholding pattern, the promoters hold the biggest chunk. Promoters of LIC hold 96.50% of the shares. Only 2.07% by the public; 0.22 and 1.21 by FII and DII respectively.

So, overall the stock seems fine. This could become a highly volatile stock if gets manipulated. otherwise, its overall a decent bet.

If you liked this article, do leave a comment.

About us

Learning sharks

started in 2008 and is a renowned stock market institute among stock market traders and investors for training, and Investing. In addition, the Learning sharks Institute Provides various NSE & BSE share market courses like financial Derivatives, Technical Analysis coursesfundamentals analysis coursesNISM, and NCFM preparation courses. With 15+ experienced online & offline faculty Cum Traders and 25+ Share market courses for intermediates and professionals. 

With comely course fees, learning sharks assist with jobs and exams along with self-trading and investing.

#stockmarket #stockmarket institute

KIRIINDUS Share price gaining momentum – Learning sharks

Current price Kiriindus Rs 513 gained 12% in one day. As recommended by one of our students in the student’s bets section on our website learning sharks – stock market institute.

Kiriindus has been one of the favourite stocks for its great fundamentals and rectangle pattern. If you are a technical analysis freak, what am I talking about? Currently, stock price is trading at 515. We see this not stopping here and continuing to go up.

with a market cap of ₹ 2,611 Cr. and Face Value₹ 10.0, here are some pros of the stock.


  • The company has reduced debt.
  • The company is almost debt-free.
  • Stock is trading at 0.95 times its book value
  • The company is expected to give a good quarter
  • Debtor days have improved from 95.19 to 70.40 days.

Net profit

Let’s look at the most interesting thing about this stock. The shareholding pattern.

FII is continuing to gain more and more of this stock every year. So you figure out the rest.

Alright, that’s it for this stock, will come back with another analysis soon. Don’t forget, learning sharks is the best stock market institute in Delhi. If you are interested in the stock market coaching or education,, do drop us your contact information, and we will get back to you.

Learning sharks – One of the top stock market institutes in Delhi/ NCR

Share Market Institute - Offering stock Market courses in Delhi
Learning Sharks – Stock market institute in delhi

About us


Learning sharks

Stock market institute in delhi started in 2008 and is a renowned stock market institute among stock market traders and investors for training, and Investing. In addition, the Learning sharks Institute Provides various NSE & BSE share market courses like financial Derivatives, Technical Analysis coursesfundamentals analysis coursesNISM, and NCFM preparation courses. With 15+ experienced online & offline faculty Cum Traders and 25+ Share market courses for intermediates and professionals. 

With comely course fees, learning sharks assist with jobs and exams along with self-trading and investing. Click here to know more

Our courses

Learning sharks education is not a narrow path that students follow from Point A to Point Z.

We encourage our students to explore the academic landscape, breaking outside into new subjects of study and, perhaps, discovering new passions that will lead them in a completely different route. Faculty members assist them along the road, and fellow students give a variety of viewpoints that can shed new light on the path of trading and investing. 

Trading essentials

If you’re interested in learning how to day trade, Learning sharks can help you get started. Many of our former students have gone on to work full-time in the stock market.

Check out our courses page.

Free Stock Market books

Best Investing Books

These must-reads can help you increase your wealth.

Individuals who are unfamiliar with stock market investing may find the process perplexing. You won’t get lost, though, if you have a handy book. There are many stock market books for novices, but there are only a few good ones to rely on for your trading instruction.

Over the last 140 years, the average 10-year stock market return has been roughly 9%. That is why it is critical to have a well-diversified investment portfolio and manage it effectively. An excellent investing book can assist you in making the best financial decisions.

Check out our free stock market books, click here

Stock Market Internship Programme

Learning is not all that you do at Learning sharks. Of course, there is no proof that you can swim unless you dive and survive in water. Trading and investing in the market is not as easy as you might think it is. It requires a lot of discipline and practice. We will make you put hundred trades in the market before you stake your money in it.

Learning sharks Internship programme assures what you have been taught during the course goes into action.

Post stock market course completion, Learning sharks offers one month paid Internship only to its students. 

Click here to know more about the paid Internship Programme

Learning sharks has been around for years now, and if you want to be a trader or an investor. You can visit our website www.learningsharks.in

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