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Where To Invest your Money In India? 100+ Investment Ideas. 10 Best Investments In 2023.

Where should you put your money in India? In India, there are over 100 different investing options. I’ve gathered everything in one place in this blog article.

I’ve set a goal for myself to list 100+ different ways to invest money. Money can be invested in a variety of ways. Unfortunately, we only know a few of them and here are 10 Best Investments In 2023.

Knowledge of all investment alternatives is good

Our first priority in life should be financial independence. To accomplish this, one needs to put money into profitable assets. Portfolio diversification will be aided by a wide range of assets. The stock market is almost always overvalued. Investors should not buy equities in such a situation. Money can be saved if one is aware of an alternative (instead of stocks).

Stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and gold are common investments. However, in 10 Best Investments In 2023 there are other additional options for investing money. I agree that persuading people to invest elsewhere is difficult. However, having such a thorough list in one place may be beneficial.

Investment meant purchasing an insurance policy for our grandfathers. They would buy a PPF, NSC, or KVP if they went one step further.

What was the reason for this? They didn’t know about other financial options because they couldn’t take risks.

I’ve tried to include as many investment options as I can remember. I’ve also included some helpful links that can be used to learn more about a particular investment.

Let’s get started with our 100+ investment options. I’ve also divided them into groups to make the information easier to scan and here are 10 Best Investments In 2023.

A. Our Banks:

  • 1) Invest money in a savings account offered by banks.
  • 2) Invest money in recurring deposits offered by banks.
  • 3) Invest money in fixed deposits offered by banks.
  • 4) Tax saver fixed deposits offered by banks are a good investing option. Read more about income tax planning.
  • 5) Sometimes it’s not such a bad idea to keep liquid cash parked safely in a current account.

B. Government of India Plans:

  • 6) Invest money in the national pension system (NPS) with selected banks. Read more about NPS.
  • 7) Investing money in the public provident fund (PPF) offered by banks & Post offices for retirement benefits.
  • 8) Government of India (GOI) Bonds are also a decent investment option (example: 8% Govt. of India Savings Bonds – 2003). Read more about how to buy government bonds.
  • 9) There are also other Bonds for investment like listed bonds (of IFCI), and capital gain bonds (of RECL & NHAI).
  • 10) Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) offered by the Indian Post Office is also considered a decent investing vehicle.
  • 11) Invest money in the National Savings Certificate (NSC) of the Indian Post Office.
  • 12) Invest money in the National Savings Scheme (NSS) of the Indian Post Office.
  • 13) Invest money in Government securities (Treasury Bills > T-bills)
  • 14) Invest money in Government securities (Cash Management Bills – CMBs).
  • 15) Invest money in Dated Government Securities (like fixed-rate bonds, floating-rate bonds, capital indexed bonds, bonds with call/put options, and zero-coupon bonds).
  • 16) Invest money in Government securities (State Development Loans – SDLs).
  • 17) Invest money in Municipal bonds in India.
  • 18) First-time investors can invest in equity through Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme (RGESS).

C. Post Offices:

  • 19) Invest money in Post Office’s Monthly Income Plan (MIP). Read more about PO MIP here.
  • 20) Post Offices also offer a recurring deposit (RD) scheme for public
  • 21) Invest money in a Post Office savings account.
  • 22) Invest money in Company Fixed Deposits.
  • 23) Invest money in corporate bonds.
  • 24) Corporates offer convertible debentures which is a great investment scheme.
  • 25) Corporates also offer non-convertible debentures.
  • 26) Invest money in Annuity plans for income generation. Read more about what is an annuity.
  • 27) Invest in tax-free bonds.
  • 28) Invest in inflation-indexed bonds.

D. Retirement Plans:

  • 29) Invest money in the senior citizen savings scheme (SCSS) offered by the Indian Post Office, SBI etc. Read more about SCSS and Vaya Vandana Yojana.
  • 30) New Pension Scheme (NPS) is also a decent retirement linked investment. Read more about NPS vs EPF.
  • 31) Invest money Monthly Income Plan (MIP) offered by mutual fund companies. Read more about how to generate monthly income.
  • 32) Investing in pension plans offered by Insurance companies can also be a good retirement linked investment vehicle.
  • 33) Invest money in Voluntary Provident Fund Scheme (VPF). These are the 10 Best Investments In 2023.

E. Insurance Plans:

  • 34) Tax Saving Plans: Invest money in tax savings insurance plans. Buy a life insurance plan. Buy a health insurance plan for the complete family including dependent parents.
  • 35) Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIPs) give the dual benefit of insurance plus capital appreciation. 

F. Mutual Funds & ETFs:

  • 36) Invest in a tax saver equity-linked savings scheme (ELSS). Read more about ELSS Funds here.
  • 37) Invest money in lump sums, in equity-linked mutual funds. Read more about types of mutual funds in India.
  • 38) Invest money in a lump sum, in debt linked mutual funds.
  • 39) Invest money in a lump sum, in balance mutual funds.
  • 40) Invest money in a lump sum, in Liquid mutual funds.
  • 41) Investing systematically (SIP) in diversified equity mutual funds can give huge long term returns. Read more about SIP Plans.
  • 42) Close-ended mutual funds are also a reliable investment option. Normally, all mutual funds are open-ended funds.
  • 43) Investing in dividend-paying mutual funds can also be a good idea. Read more about dividend-paying mutual funds.
  • 44) Hedge Funds are one of the most preferred investment options for the super-rich. Read more about hedge funds for acommon man.
  • 45) It’s also not a bad idea to invest in mutual funds that invest in global infrastructure companies.
  • 46) One can also invest in mutual funds that allocate their funds to buy high yielding bonds globally.
  • 47) Investors prefer to buy debt linked mutual funds from emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, China etc.
  • 48) One can also invest money in mutual funds which allocate funds to emerging market stocks.
  • 49) Gold ETF is one of the most preferred investment vehicles in India (example: Birla Sun Life Gold Exchange Traded Fund). Read more about ETF in India.
  • 50) Invest money in Index-linked ETF (example: SBI Sensex ETF).
  • 51) Invest money in PSU bank ETF (example: Kotak PSU Bank ETF).

Please read our article which is 10 Best Investments In 2023 to know more about Investment.

G. Real Estate:

  • 52) Residential Property: Invest money in residential real estate property. Read more about how to buy house property in India.
  • 53) Commercial Property: Investing in commercial real estate property can be considered the best-investing strategy. Read more about Embassy REIT.
  • 54) Invest money in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) – yet to come in India but it’s very useful for common investors. Read more about REIT India here.
  • 55) Invest money in real estate property during the pre-launch stage.
  • 56) Invest money in real estate property which assures minimum rental income. This guarantee is given by the builder who is developing that property. The builders themselves maintain the property. In this case calculation of ROI for investors becomes easy. Read more about whether to live on rent or buy a house.
  • 57) Invest money by purchasing land in upcoming areas of development. Immediate outskirts of metropolitan cities are one good example.
  • 58) Invest money by buying an old property which is running out of favour. Such properties are located in prime locations but are still available at discounted prices. Such property can be renovated to earn a higher rental yield or capital appreciation.
  • 59) Buy new properties in a prime locality developed by world-class builders. Super rich do invest in such properties.

H. Commodity & Collectibles:

  • 61) Physical Gold: Accumulating physical gold in form of coins or bars is also a good investment option. Read more about whether gold is a good or bad investment.
  • 61) Accumulating physical silver in form of coins or bars is also considered a decent investment.
  • 62) Invest money in pieces of art, collectables, antiques, vintage automobiles etc.
  • 63) High net worth investors also invests in options like wine, coins, paintings, antique furniture etc.
  • 64) Buy commodities in Demat form. This can also be a good investing vehicle. Read more about E-Gold here.
  • 65) Futures contracts are also investing for experts in technical analysis. Futures contracts are mainly linked with the commodity market. Other futures contracts can be stock market and forex linked.
  • 66) Rich people also invest their money in antique watches and classic musical instruments.

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I. Stocks:

  • 67) Dividend Stocks: Invest money for the long term, in dividend-paying stocks.
  • 68) Growth Stocks: Invest money for the long term, in growth stocks (quality small and large-cap stocks). Read more about stocks of the fastest-growing companies.
  • 69) Invest money in stocks in the IPO stage. Read more about oversubscription in IPO.
  • 70) If one is an expert in technical analysis, then trading stocks can also be a great investment option. Read more about technical analysis for long term investors.
  • 71) Preferential shares of the company earn a fixed dividend for shareholders. This is also a good investing vehicle.
  • 72) Invest money in foreign stocks by using trading platforms like Kotak Securities etc. Read more about how to buy stocks of overseas companies.
  • 73) Investing in quality Penny stocks can also be a good investment option for high-risk tolerance investors. Read more about penny stocks.
  • 74) Invest money in Futures & Options market. These are equity derivatives.
  • 75) India’s super-rich also like to buy Large-cap stocks of the United States of America.
  • 76) Practicing value investing in stocks. Experts like Warren Buffett & Ben Graham have made fortunes out of it. Read more about what is value investing.
  • 77) Investing in blue-chip stocks when stock market bottoms can be a good idea. Read more about Indian blue-chip stocks.

J. Like Rich:

  • 78) These days banks offer Portfolio Management Services (PMS) for high net worth account holders in their respective banks.
  • 79) Invest money by starting a new business. There cannot be a better investment than this. But the driver should be the business plan. Read more about why build a business to become rich.
  • 80) Becoming a member of social clubs, evening clubs can also be treated as an investment. Socialising will allow you to build a circle with successful people who know how to make money. The Poor and middle class often do not like spending money on socialising.
  • 81) Rich people also become a partner of venture capital firms. Venture capital firms invest in companies like MakeMyTrip, and Just Dial and make huge long term profits.
  • 82) Private equity investment is also one of the preferred investment options of super rich’s.
  • 83) One can also invest like Warren Buffett. He prefers to buy a complete business instead of buying its few stocks.
  • 84) One of the best ways to invest money will be to open a firm and hire experts who can advise others on how to invest money. A company which can make money or save tax for others will automatically see huge success.
  • 85) Invest time and money to develop a product that will sell like hotcakes. Products like Windows, iPhone, Ferrari, McDonald’s, Coca Cola, Internet etc should be our motivation. Even if the product is not so big, but sheer uniqueness or usefulness of a product can make huge money for the developer.
  • 86) Rich people also invest directly in emerging companies. Recently Ratan Tata bought stocks of SnapDeal & Xiaomi.

K. Giving Away:

  • 87) Providing education to near and dear ones can also be treated as an investment.
  • 88) Taking excellent care of aged parents can also be treated as a noble investment as that is what your child is going to learn while he is growing up.
  • 89) Invest money online for needful people of society through sources like micrograam.com

L. Fitness (Mind & Body):

  • 90) Spending money on the gym can also be treated as an investment. A healthy mind and body can generate much more wealth than an unhealthy one.
  • 91) Spend money to learn how to save money. This is one of the rarest rare skills people possess. Knowing how to save money can make more money than any other investment option. Read more about tips and tricks to save money.
  • 92) Buy games like monopoly or cash flow for your child. If your child learns how to make money, probably he can make you doubly rich.
  • 93) Spend money to learn how to become financially independent. This will be one of the most priced investments of all. Read more about how to become financially independent.
  • 94) Start spending money to buy and read books about financial intelligence. A book may cost you 1,000 odd rupees. But if it strikes the right chord, the returns could be in lakhs. The shortcut will be to read books on Warren Buffett. Read eBooks on Investment and Finance.
  • 95) Attending seminars conducted by experts on investment skill development can be treated as an investment.
  • 96) Take a course to learn how to calculate the intrinsic value of stocks. A person who knows how to estimate intrinsic value can become really affluent with money-making. Use my stocks analysis worksheet to estimate the intrinsic value of stocks.

10 Best Investments In 2023 is the article which we have written on the basis of previous returns. Please invest carefully

M. Become Debt Free:

  • 97) Prepay Loans: Making prepayments on a home loan is also a good investment option. Buy a property and pay it off quickly by making prepayments. Read this guide on home loan prepayment.
  • 98) Become Debt Free: Clear all outstanding loans like credit card debt, personal loans, education loans etc. The target is to become debt-free.

N. Miscellaneous:

  • 99) Buy a privileged credit card that offers reward points. Such cards charge an annual fee. Make all budgeted purchases using this credit card. Let reward points accumulate as your returns. Read more about why credit cards offer reward points.
  • 100) Though FOREX trading is risky people with very high-risk tolerance can play this gamble. Read more about Prepaid Forex Cards.
  • 101) Lending money to people we know can also be considered an investment. The best part of this type of investment is that our money is comparatively at lower risk. The borrower is known and reliable. Borrowed money may not earn outstanding returns but it should yield at least a percentage point less than the interest charged by banks on personal loans.

So on and so forth, Having said all , thank you getrichquick for all the efforts to put together a list of the options available for investors. Here are 10 Best Investments In 2023.

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