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What Is Return On Investment (ROI)

Learning sharks stock market Institute

ROI is a mathematical formula that investors can use to assess their investments and determine how well one investment has fared in comparison to other assets. An ROI estimate may occasionally be combined with other strategies to create a business case for a specific proposition. How well a firm is managed is measured using the overall ROI for the enterprise.

A return on investment may be determined by determining whether one or more of an organization’s immediate goals—such as increasing market revenue share, developing infrastructure, or preparing the company for sale—rather than by determining immediate profit or cost savings.

How Do You Calculate ROI?

Divide the net profit or loss from an investment by the cost of the investment to get the return on investment. Since it is expressed as a percentage, investors and other users can quickly evaluate the profitability or efficacy of various investment strategies. How to determine this ratio is as follows:

Return on investment must be determined by:

1) Divide the net profits (also known as investment earnings) by the investment’s cost.
2) 100 times the result from above
3) mention the outcome expressed as a percentage.


Here are two examples of ROI calculations:

1) ROI = (Net Profit / Investment Cost) times 100.
2) ROI is calculated as (Present Value of Investment – Investment Cost / Investment Cost) x 100.
To further understand how the ROI calculation works, let’s look at an example:


Imagine you had previously invested Rs. 5,000 in the stock ABC. You choose to sell the stocks at Rs. 5,500 right now.

Imagine you had previously invested Rs. 5,000 in the stock ABC. You choose to sell the stocks at Rs. 5,500 right now.


The investment’s return on investment will be:

ROI = (5,500 – 5,000 / 5,000) x 100 = 10%

This computation makes the following assumptions:

1)taxes on capital gains, or
2)any charges associated with buying or selling

The key benefit of employing ROI calculations is that they are expressed in percentages rather than dollars. Comparing distinct ROI percentages of various assets across multiple categories is simple for investors. This can assist them in locating the investment that will provide the maximum returns.

How do you interpret ROI calculations?

ROI can be used to evaluate a variety of indicators, all of which contribute to a company’s profitability. Total returns and total costs should be measured in order to determine ROI as accurately as possible.

Positive return percentages in ROI calculations indicate that the company, or the ROI metric being assessed, is profitable. A negative ROI %, on the other hand, indicates that the company — or the metric it is being assessed against — owes more money than it is bringing in. In other words, if the proportion is positive, returns outweigh costs. If the percentage is lower than zero, the investment is losing money.

What are the main uses of ROI?

Investors can utilize ROI to:

1. assess current portfolios

2. the many investment alternatives comparison

3. make wiser investment choices

Business owners can also utilize ROI to:

1. Compare and contrast potential investment avenues

2. calculate the return on expenses like marketing, rental charges, etc.


It’s critical to remember that return on investment (ROI) does not eliminate all risk or uncertainty related to an investment. Therefore, one must consider the risk that the estimates or projections of earnings can include when using ROI to guide future investment decisions. For instance, the projections might be overly pessimistic or understated. Furthermore, past performance of an investment does not guarantee future performance.

What is a good ROI ratio?

According to traditional opinion, an annual ROI of around 7% or more is thought to be favorable for investments associated with the stock market. However, rather than relying on a straightforward comparison, investors must think carefully when evaluating the right ROI for any investment.

In light of the level of risk that the investor is willing to accept or the risk associated with the asset class of the investment, using the Sensex performance as a benchmark for stock investments may not be acceptable.

Investors need to ask the following questions to determine whether ROI is suitable for a particular investment:


What are the benefits and flaws of ROI?

CalculationROI can be easily calculated even by new investors. All it requires is one to know the cost and profit of the investment. ROI must be used in conjunction with other measures like return on equity and rate of return because it is not a self-sufficient indicator.
UsageSimple to use and comprehend. Even though it is simple to use and understand, some investors might not be aware of factors like inflation that are overlooked in the calculation. 
Multiple UsesBoth firms and investors can use ROI. Companies may modify the data to project positive earnings when using ROI for presentational purposes.

What are the alternatives to ROI?

Businesses utilize a variety of similar alternative metrics in addition to ROI. They consist of the following


 Annualized ROI: This type of ROI takes the period a stakeholder has had the investment into account. An illustration of how to calculate annualized returns is given below: Annualized ROI = ((Final Value of Investment – Initial Value of Investment) / Initial Value of Investment) x 100. A similar formula can be used to determine the annual performance rate: ((P + G) / P) (1 / n) – 1, where P denotes the initial investment, G denotes gains or losses, and n denotes the number of years the investment has been kept.


ROI social (SROI). SROI is outcome-based and takes into account the bigger picture of value in terms of the economy, environment, and society. It converts these results into actual monetary amounts. SROI = Net present value of benefits / Net present value of the investment is the formula.


ROI in marketing statistics. This aids in assessing how well a marketing campaign plan or marketing program is doing. (Sales Growth – Marketing cost) / Marketing cost is a straightforward formula.


Statistics on social media ROI. This aids in assessing the success of a social media campaign and may include the number of views or likes received. (Value / Total investment) x 100 is a straightforward formula to determine the time, money, and resources invested in social media ROI by revenue.


ROI is a simple to use and compute metric for assessing an investment’s effectiveness. Investors frequently use it to contrast various comparable investment possibilities. Although measuring ROI might be an excellent place to start when assessing an investment, investors must go farther. ROI shouldn’t be the only indicator investors use to decide which investments to make because it doesn’t take risk or time horizon into account. ROI necessitates using a precise estimate of all associated expenditures.

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